A house built with love

We began building this house nine years ago next month. A year and three months later we moved in with a lot of finishing touches still to do. This is a house built with love, without a doubt. We dreamed of this house for the better part of twenty years before we started, and waited nine long years after buying the property. The time had to be right for we would do a lot of the work ourselves, with the help of a wonderful crew. The house was carefully planned and designed so we can enjoy it into our ‘golden years’. We still enjoy it immensely. This blog chronicles that fun and challenging build. If you want to start at the beginning go here. Enjoy!


Very last of the knees

The last of the knees were completed and hauled out to the front porch last fall. Then cold weather hit and they stayed there for the winter. Today was the first gorgeous and warm day of the year and with that my excuse to put the installation off was gone. I hauled out the ladder and tools and then installed the last fifteen knees under the eves. The look fabulous!
