Successful mission

Our mission is to create safe, fun places for families to enjoy together. It is a lofty calling. When we visit a theme park I am sure we look at it differently than most, carefully observing what people are enjoying. This past weekend I watched Henry (now two) do a theme park for the very first time. As we entered Cultus Lake Adventure Park, his first comment was to ask if we had built it. Then it was all about enjoying all he saw. I know what I am hoping for when we design experiences and features, what guests can interact with and what their reaction will be as they enter. To actually see many guests, including Henry, actually do these things is pure fun and very satisfying. Henry didn’t disappoint. As one of many samples, he had never seen a starting crank on a vehicle before but he knew to grab that handle and give it a turn before jumping in to drive. He loved the hollowed log and caves and was delighted to see me at the other end to greet him. It wasn't just us playing those same games. By these measurements, this is a successful park.

henry starting truck s.png
henry driving truck s.png
henry in the log s.png