Sea Shanty

I strongly feel that 2021 is going to be a year of exciting beginnings. When I was doing fine art as a sole means of income I would do one outhouse for each annual large show. These were always fun to draw. I was amazed each time, for this was always the first drawing to sell. We offered a few limited edition prints of these outhouses through the years and each time they too would sell out rapidly. Even now, twenty-five years later, I see them from time to time, still proudly hanging in bathrooms. I guess it is the perfect art for that location. As we ready the new limited edition prints for release we have decided that one of the first will be another outhouse. This one is totally from my imagination. As I considered the ultimate outhouse I reckoned it needed to have the perfect ocean view. A hilltop would be best which meant some stairs were required. The beach is suggested by the driftwood and stones in front and since the door had to face the ocean to take advantage of the view. I couldn’t draw the water. In order to properly create a nautical theme I added the weathervane to the peak of the roof. The name of this piece is ‘Sea Shanty’. Stay tuned for it’s release soon…

sea shanty sample.png