Dream team

It takes teamwork for almost every task we do in our shop. Today, we made good progress on two models of a large proposed bear photo opportunity for a tourist attraction. One model is to be sent to the client to use as a promotional tool. The other maquette will serve as reference for us as we build a giant ten foot tall version of this photo opportunity in coming weeks.

Grant had the unenviable job of mixing the copious amounts of sculpting epoxy we would needed. Peter and I worked on both models together, often switching bears to work on our respective areas. This ensured consistency between the two pieces. At times we critiqued each other’s work and without hard feelings we scraped off various bits and did things a little different to make it better. Becke, with her knowledge of animals art directed a little and will do the critical painting next week to make the bears come to life. It was a day of many horrible bear puns and jokes, and we laughed a lot as we worked. When we get into the full-sized ten foot tall build everyone in the shop will again play an important role in making it happen.

Sometimes, as we remember back to our various projects and teams that worked together through the decades we can recall some awesome groups of people we enjoyed working with. We refer to those as the dream teams. There have been many through the years… but I believe our current group shines as bright as any.

peter and dan sculpting bears.jpg