Parade day!

The long awaited parade day arrived at last this morning. The weather was perfect. Henry arrived early. We gassed up the little car, loaded up the candy and headed down the road, about six blocks to the start of the parade. Moth joined us, complete with their twirling banner. Moth would be the runner for our entry, making sure no one darted out into our path. Waiting for the parade to start seemed to take forever according to Henry but at ten o’clock sharp we were on our way. Henry had a blast waving to the large and seemingly endless crowd, tossing handfuls of candy to the many kids along the way. The highlight of the parade was about half way through where many members of our family and lots of friends lined the sidewalk in front of our house. Henry proudly showed off the ribbon we had won which was pinned to his shirt. A good time was had by all!