Pot belly stove

Each suite in the Hazelnut Inn has a fireplace inside. Although we seriously considered making them functional, it proved impractical as they would create havoc with the heating and cooling. We create the illusion of fire by using a flame bulb behind the peek window. Hand-crafting the stoves also allowed us to create the perfect unit for each suite. The Underhill Suite fireplace demanded a cute porcelain stove. After a little internet research, we set to work. We used our #FastCutCNC to create the framework and fancy pieces, and Peter welded up the pencil rod armature in a jiffy. Tony is learning to tie on lath, and this was the perfect project to fine-tune his skills. We’ll sculpt it up this coming week and make it ready to install…

New engine in the Jeep

Saturday means working on Henry’s parade float Jeep. Henry, of course, insisted on using his tools as much as possible, and he had a great array in his tool chest that he could choose from. Today’s task was important. We were pulling out the old motor and putting in a new one. This job involved unhooking the controls and then undoing four tough-to-reach bolts. I did the tough jobs while Henry was responsible for squirting some WD40 on every nut and bolt, bearing and chain. He did a great job. He also held the wrenches on the bolts while I climbed underneath to work with the air wrench. We had the old motor out in record time. Taking the clutch off the old motor proved to be tricky, but with Henry and I working to solve the problem, and with the help of Henry’s awesome tool collection, especially his biggest hammer, we accomplished the task. Placing the new motor in place and bolting everything back together was quick.

Before we could go for a test drive, we had to buy some oil and check everything one last time. Henry insisted we needed to jack up the Jeep and find the creeper so he could check all the bolts underneath. The Jeep passed inspection. We filled the tank with gas, and it started on the second pull! We went up and down the 300-foot driveway a few times before heading around the neighbourhood for a longer drive. Henry wanted to stop at our local convenience store to buy some candy for the parade… but we have a lot of work to accomplish before that. The second day of work on the Jeep was a HUGE success. Most importantly we had a lot of fun! Stay tuned for the next progress report…

Post trip woodgrains

Today was the first day of sculpting since Matt and I returned from Tokyo. We were inspired to do the quality of woodgrains we witnessed in DisneySea. Our intent was to not simply replicate what we had seen but rather be inspired by it to and to continue working in our unique style. The result will hopefully prove our investment of time was worth the trip.