Pumpkin frame

We are building new features for the storybook land at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch in Nebraska. One is a photo op to memorialize the kid’s rhyme, Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater…. It will have a hollow pumpkin on the bottom for kids to climb into, and a window to peek out of. Peter the Pumpkin eater will be perched on top. We started fabricating the armature this past week. We ran some one inch square tube through our bender and I welded up the basic structure. Then, Keith took over to weld in the pencil rod armatures, one on the inside and then an outer shell that will be ribbed. It is a more complex job than it first appears, but it is coming along quickly. Stay tuned for more progress…

Warm wood work

The painting crew has been busy laying on the glazes to the wood details of the Under Hill Suite. The flowers have been hand painted on the walls, and the connecting leaves are still to come. One more week of work should tidy up the painting, and the hundreds of tile border pieces are cut and ready to start laying. Beck and Peter did the colour selection and everything works together in the warm light of the Tiffany lamps. There are ninety-nine days until the Open House on June 7…

Levels set.

There are now only 100 days until the Open House of the Under Hill Suite of the Hazelnut Inn. Things are coming along quickly, but many details are left to do. Today, it was time to fire up the tractor, gather the hand tools and put in the base gravel for the courtyard paving stones. We took our time to establish the proper grades to ensure there will be no puddles when it rains. Then we raked and tamped it all in place. We’ll let things settle while we place the order for the required pavers, but it won’t be long until this wonderfully private and relaxing space is ready for our guests. Stay tuned…